50 — Stephen Walton.

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Whatever rules have been put before you, that you begin to understand and can agree to, stick to them as though they were law and it would be sacrilege if you broke any of them. Ignore what anyone says about you, because it’s not yours to control.

Continue reading in the full Stephen Walton translation

Whatever principles are set before you, stand fast by these like laws, feeling that it would be impiety for you to transgress them. But pay no attention to what somebody says about you, for this is, at length, not under your control.

Continue reading in the full William Abbott Oldfather translation

50 — P.E. Matheson.

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Whatever principles you put before you, hold fast to them as laws which it will be impious to transgress. But pay no heed to what any one says of you; for this is something beyond your own control.

Continue reading in the full P.E. Matheson translation

50 — George Long.

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Whatever things (rules) are proposed to you [for the conduct of life] abide by them, as if they were laws, as if you would be guilty of impiety if you transgressed any of them. And whatever any man shall say about you, do not attend to it: for this is no affair of yours.

Continue reading in the full George Long translation

50 — T.W. Rolleston.

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Whatsoever things are preferred, in these abide as in laws which it were impious to transgress. And whatever anyone may say of you, regard it not, for neither does this concern your self.

Continue reading in the full T.W. Rolleston translation

50 — T.W. Higginson.

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Whatever rules you have adopted, abide by them as laws, and as if you would be impious to transgress them; and do not regard what any one says of you, for this, after all, is no concern of yours.

Continue reading in the full T.W. Higginson translation

Whatever moral rules you have deliberately proposed to yourself. abide by them as they were laws, and as if you would be guilty of impiety by violating any of them. Don’t regard what anyone says of you, for this, after all, is no concern of yours.

Continue reading in the full Elizabeth Carter translation

50 — Epictetus.

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Ὅσα προτίθεται, τούτοις ὡς νόμοις, ὡς ἀσεβήσων, ἂν παραβῇς, ἔμμενε. ὅ τι δ’ ἂν ἐρῇ τις περὶ σοῦ, μὴ ἐπιστρέφου: τοῦτο γὰρ οὐκ ἔτ’ ἔστι σόν.

Continue reading in the full Epictetus translation